How to maintain marble tiles at home?

How to maintain marble tiles at home?

March 18, 2021

How to maintain marble tiles at home? Many people now use marble tiles in their homes, but they don’t know how to maintain them. Here is a brief introduction to how to maintain marble tiles at home.

1. Do not use steel balls and other hard objects when scrubbing marble tiles. Generally, you can remove the stains on the surface with a damp cloth.

2. If the marble tiles in the bathroom are contaminated by rust, soap, greasy, etc., you can buy a stain paste to wipe it off, and the decontamination paste is not expensive.

3. In the cracks of the tiles, you can use a brush to dip a little decontamination cream to remove the dirt. In order to prevent water seepage and mold growth, you can brush water repellent in the cracks.

4. Be careful when moving heavy furniture, don't drag it away, so as not to scratch the surface of the tiles.