Is the quality of porcelain diamond tiles good or black polished marble tiles?

Is the quality of porcelain diamond tiles good or black polished marble tiles?

April 16, 2020

            At present, there are many types of ceramic tiles on the market. Diamond tiles and black polished marble tiles are common. Different tiles have different appearance and texture. Therefore, consumers can choose the appropriate tiles according to the place where they are laid.

            The appearance of black polished marble tiles and diamond tiles are basically bright and atmospheric, so it is difficult to distinguish the two from the appearance. The difference in color between polished tiles and diamond tiles. The difference between the colors of polished tiles is generally not too intense, but the full polished glaze is not restricted, so there is no doubt about red, black, yellow, blue and purple.

black polished marble tiles
              The color of black polished marble tiles is relatively simple, so there is not much change. Because the glazed tiles are printed with glaze after the stripes, the colors should be gorgeous. The difference between polished tiles and diamond tiles on the lines. On the lines, the lines of the polished tiles cannot be made very small, and the full polished glaze can achieve the same fine lines as needlework.

              In addition, the polished tiles are more practical and of good quality. Although the pattern may not be as good as the full glaze, the polished tiles are fired twice. Yes, you ca n’t finish the top layer in ten years, and only one side of the fully polished glazed surface is the pattern, and everything else is the bottom, even though the paste is the same.